Green Party of Santa Clara County

Take Action

“What Can I do?”

The Green movement is a truly grassroots movement. Our local groups are growing from coast to coast, and reaching into every corner of this country, but every movement always starts with just one step. We invite you to take that step with us.

  • Volunteer: Sign up with the GreenParty of California to volunteer with us and bring your energy and passion to our movement.
  • Advocate: Spread the word to your community and help us build the Green Party in Santa Clara County. Facebook/X/Instagram @SCCGreens
  • Register Green: Register to stand with the Green Party, more registered Greens strengthens our party.
  • Legislation: Get to know your representatives because their decisions can change your life.
  • Events:  Join us at one of our local event and meet up with fellow Greens.
  • Run for Office as a Green: Inspired? See the Green’s Guide to Getting on the Ballot

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