Green Party of Santa Clara County

Our By Laws


Approved as of July 1999 and as amended July 1999, July 2003, and January 2008


These Bylaws of the Green Party of Santa Clara County (also

referred to herein as the “GPSCC”) are adopted to replace those

Bylaws previously adopted in May 1996.


1.1 Any voter who has registered as a member of the Green

Party and who is a resident of Santa Clara County also shall be a member

of the Green Party of Santa Clara County.

1.2 Only active members will vote in official county Green

Party functions, should a vote be required according to the Consensus

Process described in Article 6. Official functions shall be those at which

decisions are made in the name of the Party.

1.3 An active member shall be a person who has attended

2 out of the last 5 meetings of the official functions at which (s)he

wishes to vote. For example, a vote at a General meeting, a committee

meeting, a local meeting, etc.


2.1 Purposes

2.1.1 The County Council will fulfill the legal requirement

for a liaison between the California Green Party and Santa Clara County

officials. As used in these Bylaws, the term “County Council”

shall have the same meaning as the term “Central Committee”

as that term is used by the Office of the Registrar of Voters for Santa

Clara County, California.

2.1.2 The Council shall select a secretary and a treasurer

from among its members, or may ratify the selection of these officers

made at a General County Meeting. The Council and/or its officers will

be responsible for complying with the financial reporting requirements

of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). The Council or its

officers shall be responsible for obtaining an FPPC number for financial

reporting. The Council may create such committees or initiate such inquiries

as it considers necessary and appropriate to perform its collective responsibilities

as described in these Bylaws.

2.1.3 Internal to the Green Party, the Council’s primary

duties include serving as a coordinating or steering committee to:

a) Facilitate communications between Green Party members within the county,

at county meetings, and between locals within the county.

b) Facilitate communications between the county Green Party and the State

Green Party.

c) Assist Green Party involvement in elections in the county (including

recruiting, advising and assisting Green Party candidates, co-ordinating

voter registration efforts and tabling, and supporting ballot issues effecting

issues of concern to the state or county Green Party).

d) Enhance communications between the county Green Party and other Green

Parties and/or other local organizations which support the principals

and objectives set forth in the Green Party Platform.

e) Oversee and assist the work of committees formed by the Council, or

outside the Council by the Party’s members, to help carry out the above

duties, or other duties considered necessary that are not in conflict

with these ByLaws; such as an electoral reform committee, an environmental

issues committee, etc.

2.1.4 The County Council shall act as the designated contact

persons for the Green Party of Santa Clara County, and refer interested

people to persons who may be designated as spokespeople for the Party

at a General County Meeting.

2.1.5 The County Council, by agreement of eighty percent (80%) of its

members, may authorize the use of the name of the Green Party of

Santa Clara County as an endorser or co-sponsor of an event or

public statement consistent with the principals and objectives set

forth in the Green Party Platform if time issues make the decision

necessary before it can be brought before the next general meeting.

Any such County Council authorization shall be reported to those

present at the next monthly meeting. [Adopted July 1, 2003]

2.2 Membership in the Council

2.2.1 All County Council members must be residents of Santa

Clara County and registered to vote with the Green Party.

2.2.2 The County Council is designated by the State Green

Party bylaws to consist of seven members elected at large from the county’s

Green Party constituency. Additional members may be appointed by the Council.

Vacancies on the Council that reduce the membership to less than seven

will be filled by appointment by the remaining County Council member(s)

within 30 days of the vacancy. The State Green Party Coordinating Committee

and the Santa Clara Registrar of Voters shall be informed of all appointed

members within two working days of the appointment. It shall be an objective

of the Green Party of Santa Clara County that its County Council reflect

the diversity of the general population in the county and likewise reflect

Green Party values.

2.3 Recall / Removal / Sanction

2.3.1 A member will be automatically removed from the Council

in the event that the member:

a) Moves out of the county; or

b) Registers with another political party; or

c) Fails to maintain an updated, accurate registration in the Green Party;


d) Fails to attend at least three out of five consecutive County Council


2.3.2 A member may be recalled from the Council in accordance

with Article 3 of these Bylaws.

2.3.3 A member may be sanctioned by the Council in accordance

with Article 3 of these Bylaws.


3.1 Sanction. A Member may be prohibited from participating

in official acts and functions of the Green Party of Santa Clara County

where that Member has consistently expressed values or actions contradictory

to the values and goals of the Green Party or hampered the achievement

of those values and goals.

3.2. Recall. A Member that has been elected or given a voted

endorsement to fulfill a specific function or position may be recalled

for demonstrated inability to perform responsibly.

3.3. Any sanction or recall process shall be commenced by

a written complaint by a Green Party member to the County Council, which

shall schedule an executive (closed, nonpublic) meeting to consider the

complaint. The complaining member and the person about whom the complaint

has been directed will be given not less than fifteen (15) days written

notice of the meeting and invited to attend that meeting. The member about

whom the complaint has been made will also be provided with a copy of

the complaint.

3.4. In the event the complaint pertains to another member

of the County Council and that member’s conduct in that office, the County

Council shall have sole authority to act upon the complaint by unanimous

vote of the other Council members. Furthermore, the County Council by

unanimous vote may remove any member from a committee, taskforce or delegation

which was created by the County Council as part of the activities of the

County Council as provided by these Bylaws.

3.5. The County Council shall have authority to act upon

a complaint which does not involve the activities of the County Council

or a County Council member by a unanimous vote to reject the complaint

or by an 80% majority vote to refer the complaint to the next general

meeting of the county party. In the absence of the County Council vote

described in this Section 3.5, the complaint shall not be a part of the

agenda of any county party meeting. Any proposal for censure or removal

of a member of the GPSCC shall be passed by an 80% majority vote of those

present at the next general meeting of the county party following the

referral by the County Council.

3.6. The decision of the County Council in response to a

complaint described in this Article 3 shall be communicated in writing

to both the complaining member and to the subject of the complaint within

fifteen (15) days of the decision. In the event the subject of the complaint

fails to attend the general meeting where a complaint is considered, the

decision of that meeting shall be communicated in writing to that person.

3.7. The making of a false or unsubstantiated complaint

as provided in this Article 3 shall be grounds for sanctions proceedings

as herein described.

3.8. Except as a sanction by the County Party may have effects

under the Bylaws of the State Party, the sanctions powers described herein

apply only to membership in the Green Party of Santa Clara County and

shall not otherwise effect a person’s eligibility to register as a member

of the Green Party of California.


4.1 State delegates must be registered to vote with the

Green Party and be residents of Santa Clara County.

4.2 The number of delegates for Santa Clara County is determined

according to the rules and Bylaws of the California Green Party.

4.3 Delegates and alternate delegates to State Party meetings

will be selected at a general County Party meeting preceding that event.

Whenever practical, the designation of such delegates will be set as an

agenda item at the preceding general meeting and information of that agenda

item will be distributed to the members.

4.4 An alternate delegate may serve as a delegate to a State

Party meeting where a primary delegate is unable to act as such at that

meeting or any part of it. No person shall represent themself to be a

delegate of the Green Party of Santa Clara County at any state meeting

unless that person was designated as a delegate or alternate delegate

at a county general meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event

there is a vacancy which cannot be filled by a duly designated alternate

delegate, a delegate may be chosen ad-hoc by and from the attending members.

4.5 The delegates shall represent the will of the county

as expressed in a general meeting held before the next State Party meeting,

on all issues on the pre-announced agenda of the State meeting. The county’s

opinions may also be communicated to the State Party’s working groups.

Delegates need not always vote as a unanimous bloc. They shall caucus

with attending county members on new issues brought up at the meeting.

If such a caucus is not practical, however, delegates shall vote individually

as they see fit on such new issues.


5.1 Consistent with Green Party values supporting decentralization

and personal responsibility, individual members may form locals of the

Green Party of Santa Clara County in the various subregions of the county.

5.2 To be duly recognized as an official GPSCC Local, such

a group must:

a) Be approved as a County Local — either by the County Council or at

a general meeting of the GPSCC — after submitting a written request signed

by at least five (5) Members describing their intent to form a Local and

the boundaries of the proposed Local.

b) Minutes will be recorded for all official meetings and a copy will

be made available to the County Council on request.

c) Duly elect a contact person who will facilitate communication between

the local and the county organization.

d) Have clearly defined geographic boundaries and notify the Council in

writing of any subsequent changes of those boundaries.

e) Conduct Local activities in accordance with the spirit and intent of

the Green Party’s 10 Key Values.

5.3 A GPSCC Local shall not take any public position on

county-wide or state-wide issues contrary to that taken by the GPSCC or

the California Green Party, without receiving consensus at a County general

meeting. A Local shall not assert any authority expressly reserved to

the GPSCC in these Bylaws or to the California Green Party in the state

party’s bylaws.


6.1 Consensus

All bodies within Santa Clara County acting in the name

of the Green Party shall use a consensus-seeking process as follows:

a) Consensus is sought after adequate discussion including the repeated

asking for, and discussion of, any unresolved concerns within the time

and content limits of the agenda.

b) All stand-asides will be recorded. However, if stand asides are 20%

or more of the voting body, the proposal shall not be accepted. If the

voting option is used, stand asides are not included in the calculations.

c) If unresolved concerns remain, there will either be a vote, or the

presenter may withdraw the proposal. All unresolved concerns will be recorded

and addressed as described in the procedure below.

d) Voting will be on the basis of a two-thirds majority for business and

procedural issues, and an 80% majority for policy issues.

e) If there is dispute as to which voting count is applicable, the higher

percentage will be used.

6.1.1 The general procedure for dealing with questions and

concerns about a proposal is as follows:

1) Presenter presents the proposal with clearly defined actions or questions

for the general body to decide.

2) Facilitator asks for clarifying questions, which the presenter will


3) Facilitator asks for affirmations, concerns and friendly amendments.

If there are no amendments or concerns, consensus has been achieved and

the proposal is adopted.

4) Friendly amendments may be accepted at the presenters discretion. Unaccepted

amendments may be restated as unresolved concerns.

5) If concerns are stated, the group seeks to resolve the concerns and

incorporate them into the proposal. The presenter must agree to modifications

before they can be accepted.

6) If unresolved concerns remain, the facilitator asks those holding concerns

if they are willing to stand aside and allow the group to adopt the proposal.

If concerns remain, go to the closing options.

7) The presenter’s closing options are:

a) Return the proposal to committee for further refinement and an attempt

to resolve the concerns.

b) Request additional time to reach a resolution of any remaining concerns.

c) Request the voting option be used.

6.2 Proposals

Proposals shall be acted upon at a general meeting. Where

practical, proposals shall be presented at a meeting preceding the meeting

where action is taken on the proposal or presented to the County Council

for dissemination to the county membership prior to such action.

6.3 Candidates For Public Office

A candidate for public office shall not be able to claim

the endorsement of the Green Party of Santa Clara County unless that endorsement

has previously been given at a general county meeting. No candidate for

public office shall receive any support or assistance from the county

organization without first receiving such an endorsement. The foregoing

shall not prevent any member from assisting any candidate in their individual



7.1 Archivist. The County Council or the GPSCC, at a general

meeting, may appoint an Archivist to serve as the custodian of the historical

records of the GPSCC.


8.1 Amendments

8.1.1 Amendments to these Bylaws will originate as a written

proposal submitted to the County Council. The County Council may agree

to submit any proposed amendment for decision to a general meeting after

discussion and notice at not less than one preceding general meeting.

In the alternative, the County Council may reject the proposal or request

modification of the proposal in a written communication to the proponent(s)

of the proposal not more than sixty days after the proposal has been considered

by the County Council. In such case, the proponent(s) may elect to present

their proposal(s) to a general county meeting rather than resubmit the

proposal(s) for further review by the County Council.

8.1.2 No proposal to amend these Bylaws shall be voted upon

at the general meeting where it is first presented. Voting upon any such

proposal will proceed in accordance with the preceding Section 6.1. A

minimum 80% affirmative vote is required to approve any proposed amendment.

8.2 The County Council, or a committee appointed by the

County Council or designated at a general meeting, shall review these

Bylaws in their entirety every two years for the purposes of proposing

amendments and assuring that these Bylaws are consistent with the rules

and Bylaws of the California Green Party.


[adopted January 2008]

9.0  Definitions in GPCA bylaws

Regional Representation on the GPCA Coordinating Committee is defined by

the GPCA bylaws, Articles 6, 7 and elsewhere.  This bylaws article

constitutes an alternative election process as provided for in the GPCA

bylaws section 7-1.5.

9.1 RR Election Meeting

RR election meetings are considered valid if they meet the following conditions:

1) the election is authorized and called by the County Council

2) the meeting is open to all county party Members and all Members

present can vote in the election,

3) the election has been publicly announced on county party email

lists at least 15 days in advance of the election meeting and

4) where the RR Election is a preannounced agenda item for the meeting.

9.2 Declaring Candidacy

Candidates shall declare their candidacy on the email lists of the

counties of the region prior to the RR Candidate Presentation Meetings

at which a vacancy or replacement is considered.

9.3 Presentation and Election Meetings

The RR election process may be conducted as part of the regular monthly

meetings of the GPSCC. Alternately, a special meeting may be called if

so decided by the county council. Candidates shall present themselves

to the electorate at a valid meeting. This presentation shall be at a

separate meeting that precedes the meeting where the vote occurs.

9.4 Election Process

This election process assumes this region is allocated one

representative. This section shall be amended if the allocation is

increased. The Regional Representative and Alternate

Representative shall be chosen by separate votes. The Regional

Representative shall be chosen first. In an election where there is

only one declared candidate, the decision shall be made in Accordance

Article 6 of these bylaws. Regional Representative elections shall

be deemed business decisions. If more than one candidate has declared

their candidacy, the election shall be conducted using Instant Runoff

Voting, with section 7-1.9 of the GPCA bylaws as guidance.

9.5 Regional Coordination

A candidate must be approved by all of the county parties of the

region.  If different candidates are approved by the county parties

the decision(s) shall be retaken by the county parties until agreement

on candidates between the county parties is reached.

9.6 Representational Balance in the Region

It shall be an objective to have the Regional Representative and the

first Alternate Regional representative be from different counties

wherever possible.

9.7 Replacement

A Regional Representative or an Alternate Regional Representative may

be replaced using the same process for election described here.

9.8 Effective Date

This amendment, Article 9 of the by-laws, shall take effect after

formal approval by the GPSCC, and after the bylaws of substantially the

same form have been adopted by all counties in the region. Upon

adoption, the County Council from each county party shall separately

and independently notify the GPCA of their bylaws amendments adding

this alternative election process to the default procedures provided by

the state Green Party Bylaws.

9.9 Expiration of Article 9

This article 9 detailing the selection of regional representatives to

the GPCA Coordinating Committee shall expire if a county party in the

region rescinds it, or if the region is redefined and a new county

party added to the region decides not to adopt this bylaw.


These Bylaws of the Green Party of Santa Clara County were first adopted

in 1992 and last amended on July 13, 1999 at Santa Clara County, California.