Green Party of Santa Clara County


Getting to Know Your Legislators

We urge all voters, in particular the youth in our communities to become familiar with those who represent us at the local, State and Federal level. These are the people who’s positions, values, decisions and votes have real consequences in our daily lives.

Let’s make sure our representatives understand that they are public servants and sent to our City, County, State and Federal offices to serve our needs and interests.

Learn who represents you! The Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters’ District Look Up allows you to find all your legislative/ electoral /municipal Districts, your representatives, and their contact information.

Stay connected with all your representatives, learn about their voting record, and find out if they actually represent YOU and work to address the needs in your community.

Legislations to Track

Our legislative system relies on a set of checks and balances but as we all know, the game is rigged. Laws are frequently written by lobbyists and corporate legal teams and rubber stamped by lawmakers who depend on campaign donations from the very same corporations and industries they are charged to regulate and keep in check.

We can all help defend the democratic process by learning about the legislations being considered by our lawmakers.

Check our Positions page and social media channels for our endorsements or opposition to bills and propositions. Below are some resources to help you navigate the process.