Green Party of Santa Clara County

County Council

Green Party of Santa Clara County Council

Elected in the March 5th, 2024 Primary Election to four year terms, results were certified by the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters on April 4, 2024.

NASSIM NOURICommunity Volunteer, Retired Biomedical Scientist

DIANE HARRISON – Community Organizer

NADIA NOURI – Retired High-Tech Executive

DAVID JANGHO – Pharmacy Store Manager, Business Owner

We Thank our previous County Councils for their service: 

Michele Mashburn, Christine Pepin, Tanya Khaledi, Jake Tonkel, Robert Latimore, Jim Doyle, Mike Gonzales, Warner Bloomberg, , Sandy Perry, Caroline Yacoub, Spencer Graves, Betsy Wolf-Graves, Carol Brouillet, Andrea Dorey, Mike Fischetti, Gerry Gras, Tian Harter, Drew Johnson, Merriam Kathaleen, Wes Rolley, Dana St. George.

In respectful memory, we are grateful to Caroline Yacoub and Jim Doyle.