Green Party of Santa Clara County

Register Green

Register Green Today!

Join us to build the better world we all know is possible.

Vote Your Values, Not Your Fears!

1. Registering as a member of the Green Party is a commitment to building an institution that fights for the world we all want. Party affiliation doesn’t begin and end with voting in an election.

2. The more people register Green, the more major parties will take green issues and green voters seriously. Our party was born to agitate and pressure the status quo, so by joining us you will help build and sustain that pressure.

3. Registering Green does not limit your voting options in general elections. In California however, if you register Green you will only be able to vote in Green primaries.

4. Registering Green helps the Green Party stay on the ballot in California, offering the only national corporate-free Party as an electoral alternative.

5. The Green Party represents most Americans’ views on issues like health care, racial justice, wealth equity, housing security, climate action, campaign finance reform, ending corporate power, and others.

If you are tired of the parties of war and wall street, the Green Party is for you!
