Green Party of Santa Clara County

Author Archives: Tahiya Marome

The Big Fat Fake Division

Category : blog , Energy , Environment , Politics

It’s the most familiar tactic in the history of manipulation-divide and conquer. The corporatized political parties that have been trading the football of the US Government back and forth for decades have successfully engaged the entire republic in a non-debate about something that has no divisive features. Their strategy of pitting sides against one another is about as sophisticated as a teenager angling for the car by getting Mom and Dad to fight about who caused the scratch on the door. Embarrassingly, far too many of us keep falling for it.

The Environment is Not An “ISM”

Our planet, the water, the air, the animal and plant life, is not an institution, a theory, a political invention, or any other “ism.” It is a very concrete, finite location and resources. It is the context in which all human activity, good, bad, and neutral, must take place. Living consumes and makes waste. Modern, human life has added a layer of consumption and waste production that can’t be automatically re-incorporated into Earth’s natural cycles. We continually convert a certain amount of the Earth’s matter, into permanently unusable, sometimes even dangerous, waste. That waste is accurately called pollution, a now-old-fashioned word, too clear and useful to be in favor today.

We all know what pollution is and why we don’t want it. It makes living on Earth a bad experience. When it builds up in the air or water or soil we get sick. Everybody knows it’s bad. No one is confused or undecided. No one would rather live in pollution. No one prefers a river with raw sewage spilling into it to one without. But guess what! By changing the language to “climate change” and framing the debate around whether or not it’s caused by human activity, the corporate interests that would pollute freely for profit, distracted us all. Worse, we’re not even debating climate change, or even its causes any more. We’ve devolved into a useless non‑dialogue about climate change DENIAL! Denial is not an issue. It’s a pretense that something doesn’t exist. Talk about talking about nothing!

Sincere Language

But what happens when we call things by reasonably accurate terms, instead of manipulative spin yammer? Replace “climate change” with “planet-wide heating.” Now, instead of a vague, meaningless phrase, we have a fair description of what is actually happening. Instead of arguing about whether society should manage and restrain things that may be turning up the heat, let’s focus on the fact that those same activities simply pollute. Heating up or not, we’ve spent four decades proving that we can choose whether or not to make our planet a filthy, dirty one, or try and clean up after ourselves. Why would we turn back and choose pollution now? We wouldn’t. That’s why the profiteering exploiters prefer we never pose the question that way.

Their argument was, ‘People don’t cause global warming, so forget about protecting the environment and let’s exploit without limits, because money.’ By this logic, if you are making breakfast and you drop the two eggs you were going to scramble, you should throw the other ten eggs on the floor too. Rational adults rejected this idiotic argument so the profiteers now respond with denial, like a three-year-old having a pout.

Planet-wide heating is not good news, but whether our actions can avert it or not, we still have to live here for the foreseeable future. And since we do, why would any sincere, rational person agree to end the limits on pollution, or abandon recycling? We wouldn’t and we don’t.

Green Money

Category : blog , Divestment , Economy , Politics

Money is strange. It’s a portable, transferrable storage symbol for our energy, effort and expertize. It can indicate our rank, our cleverness at “playing the game,” or become a shackle to a life we no longer enjoy. Lack of it can impose profound misery and its distribution can create injustice, corruption and war; or peace and plenty. Every philosophy comments on money; warning us against it, or lauding its correct application. Outside the context of a socially created market it has no intrinsic worth. Within that context it can be everything.

Our money is also our politics, and is as much a tool of intelligent stewardship as our vote. It acts beyond our independent spending. The banks we trust to secure our futures use our savings and our debt payments to fund both good and evil. We are responsible to know, and choose, the paths our money travels, and the influence it buys.

With the Citizens United decision reinforcing corporate personhood, the Supreme Court also made money free speech, effectively making money the only speech. While the heart of avarice now holds the loudest megaphone in the republic, it can’t yet forcibly silence us. We can be a chorus and collectively take back the wheel from greed and corruption. We have to clean and green our money.

It’s going to be inconvenient, time consuming and may require sacrifices. If these things deter us, we become “good people doing nothing,” giving evil a clear path. Compared to the costs dirty money will force on our children, the sacrifice is insignificant.

  1. Move your money to a credit union. Checking, savings, credit cards, loans, even mortgages; move them all over to a credit union. CU’s are non-profits that lend locally and support the small businesses and local companies that are the true engine of the American ideal.
  2. Take a good look at your 401K and other retirement savings strategies. Are you funding banks and other corporations that continue to destroy the natural world? Is your money underwriting fracking, dirty energy, deforestation, irresponsible real estate development? Redistribute your investments to reflect your politics.
  3. Buy from local chains and stores instead of multi-national corporations. Quit the online shopping habit and look for independent grocery stores , bookstores, coffee shops, material suppliers. Yes, independents may be more expensive, but if the large scale corporations were actually charging you what it’s going to cost to repair the damage they are doing to the world, their prices would be astronomical. Do you want your grandchildren to inherit an unlivable world, or the story of our victory over greed and waste? Open a map application and type in a search for whatever you need to buy. Not only will you find the independents in your area but you’ll use less energy getting there.
  4. When you make donations, investigate. Did you know that Savers thrift shops in San Jose are for-profit? They only “share” their profits with charities. Why provide them with free inventory when other donations go to actual non-profits?
  5. Support the maker community in your neighborhood. Look for independent craftspeople and artisans to support when you buy gifts, seek entertainment, or need durable goods.
  6. Talk to your relations, friends and neighbors about bringing their money back home, regardless of political stripe. Supporting businesses in your home town and keeping money local is not a partisan issue. Conservative or progressive, the benefits are a no-brainer.

Keep thinking, asking, loving, doing, giving, trying. The world is better for your efforts.

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